Sunday, March 30, 2008

Why Yes I am...

I was just in line in Wawa (like a 7-11) when I heard a little voice by me say " Mom, are you crazy?" and in my typical form I replied "Yes I am, and you made me this way." It wasn't until I got a dirty look from the woman in front of me that I realized my kids weren't with me. Her and her kid left before I could explain.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for posting this - I've been so down in the dumps, and really needed a good giggle - this did it!

M u s s said...

What a great story! :D


~HS said...

Wow, we have the same illness - that is being Mom even without our children in tow. Whats bad is leaving the kids with a sitter to go grocery shopping then find out the kids in the next aisle over laughing are yours and they are with the sitter. Needless to say, more ended up in my cart than it should have. That's why I don't take them in the first place.